Sunday, January 4, 2009

Let Fear Stop and the Juicing Begin!

"A New Year and a New Start" Most everyone says this at least once in their life. Some say it every year without much long term success!
After some interesting coincidences over the past few days I was led back to my friend Angela Stokes's blog then back to David and Katrina Rainosheck's website where I read about the Global Feast that officially started yesterday. I posted a question asking some of the more experienced Feasters if I was making a mistake starting the feast without gradually adjusting and having a more cleansing lifestyle first. I said " ... for those who have not done much recently to clease their bodies. Do you find that the detox is too hard?"
I recieved the most amazing response from Pia. Without knowing me and having read my few sentences she hit the nail on the head! She told me not to be deterred in persuing my goals. Then she made this statement:
" The one thing you need to release now as the first thing you are detoxing is your fear!"
So here I am starting a juice feast! The Global Feast is officially from 1/3 to 1/31. The more traditional (if you can call it that!) feast is the 92 day feast. It is called a feast instead of a fast because you literally feast on raw homemade juice the entire time enabling your body to go through some intense house cleaning without the normal stress associated with fasting. You take in 4+quarts of juice per day making sure to get a minimum of 1500 cal. I did a 10 day feast last spring and quit because we were going on vacation and I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to keep up with it. I somehow felt that intentionally stopping was better than failing on my trip. I had already planned to fail! I gave up on myself.
Thank in a great part to Pia, I have a different perspective this time.
In just this one day of reading and juicing I feel so much more at peace with myself and the world around me! Instead of feeling afraid that I am not "prepared enough" or of all the "what-ifs" that will most assuredly pop up along this journey, I am calm but excited! Along with my daily "feast menu", I am going to use this Blog to log my feelings, challenges, and triumphs along the way. This way I can really honor myself, maybe for the first time in my life.
Today I had:
1 pint carrot/apple/lemon
2 qt spinach/carrot/apple/lemon
1 pint orange/rasberry
3 qt H2O
12 oz cinnamon spice senna tea