Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 26

Pain-it is the recurring theme of my life and I really want it to change!! I've been hurting alot for the last week. The groin pain has stopped. Now it is just basic muscle tiredness. Yesterday I went too long with out a good hightop boot on and my ankle swelled and my foot is bruised. I should know better! On Tuesday I went to a new exercise class that is for cancer patients and survivors. It is at a health club sponsered by the hospital system. They have cardio, strength training and yoga on Tue and Thurs. They also offer monthly massages!! Woo Hoo! It is run and monitored by physical therapists. Between that, weeding the garden and having my thyroid dose messed up I have been sore and tired.
24 oz carrot/celery/apple/pear base from yesterday
1/2 gallon of pineapple/celery/pea greens/mizuna/peach
super seed fiber drink in 10oz apple juice
made a great curry "soup"
32 oz carrot/apple/celery/pear/ base from yesterday -added cilantro/mint/lime/yam
heated tbls of coco oil with yellow curry powder/garam masala/ginger and lightly warmed the juice for a minute. Turned out really good.
Mornings are the hardest for me to get going as always.
I almost never end up having my first juice until after noon and that is not the best.
I really like the slippery elm/super seed/psyllium mix as a hot cereal but I never think of it in the am. My brain just does not work. I am hoping that by writing it down I will remember.
The last week I have struggled with wanting solid food and felt hungry alot.
I am pretty sure it is because I am not getting enough juice throughout the day.
So the goal is to try starting in the am with the fiber "cereal" and then get a juice before noon!
I don't know if others that have public logs are just more disiplined than me or if they are just not really honest about temptation. I have totally caved in, but have mosly chosen small amounts of healthy food like putting some mashed avocado in miso soup or eating some raw flax crackers. We went to 2 BBQ's in one day and I ate a few bites of potato salad and *gasp* a small piece of a bratwurst...payed like the dickens with heartburn so that taught me!! It is difficult to be around a food centered event such as a BBQ and not eat. It is also hard to explain to folks what the heck you are up to! From now on I am just going to say I am fasting. Short and sweet. the more I try to tell them the less confident I feel most of the time. People just have a tendency to not want to accept anything out of the norm. I do know that eating just makes it harder to stay on track so I am hoping my new "plan" will help keep me from temptation!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 20!

Okay, it is day 20 and I hurt! My left leg which I hurtfully refer to as my "bad" leg hurts and has developed a bit of a rash. The pain in the groin area has spread down the inside of the leg to the ankle and reminds me a bit of a shin splint in that area. The leg at times feels tingly too. The groin area is still swollen and a bit warm, but not hot at all. Scott mentioned that the "filter there might be rejuvenating and starting to work again" which is a good thought. The lymph nodes in that area have been compromised for some time now since the insect bites so maybe the juicing is breaking down the cells and new healthy ones are taking over and starting to clean the tissues in my leg out. I love it! It gives me something to focus on for healing. I have read many comments about juice feasting allowing for scar tissue to break down and I have alot of scar tissue in the area where I had the cancer (lymph and bone) How cool this is! It is the reason I started on this.
This morning I had 40 oz of straight pineapple for the enzymes and it didn't unbalance me. I also had 20 oz of "master cleanser" with msm. Ate a tsp of bee pollen. Then I made a large amount of "base" juice- 4lbs black grapes/1 1/4 heads of celery. I took some of that and added 1 yellow beet, 1 lemon with skin, 1lb rainbow chard. I don't usually like beet, but with the lemon it is good. The chard is very mellow. Chard is actually beet greens grown just for the tops.
I am going to take an epsom salt bath. Also, I still haven't taken my thyroid med yet. Today I realized I don't feel like pulling my skin off so my body must have reached a point where it has used up most of the excess T3 it was storing. I am going to wait at least one more day and then only take part of the medicine. I hated feeling that way and didn't realize how bad it was until it mellowed out! Don't want to feel like that again if I can help it!
Had a quart of water of "master cleanse", 4 oz of oj with a dropper full of chlorophyl concetrate and 1 tsp msm and 2-16 oz bowls of miso soup with fresh chives blended in. Made some msm gel using 15 grams msm powder in 100ml aloe gel to start applying to my skin, particularly where it is broken out or irritated. I feel like I should have another juice, but am not motivated....Had another 40 oz juice using the grape/celery base from this am with 1lb romaine and 1/2 lime. Lettuce is suppose to be calming so I figure it is extra beneficial at night as opposed to say spirulina. Whole foods had some great romaine-the heads are 2lbs each! Same with the celery-nice. Well, to bed, it is getting late.
I got in my 2 lbs of greens. In juice I had 120oz + 48oz lemon water, 32oz miso and water throughout the day. And I still have 48oz of "base" juice to start with tomorrow. Good plan!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 19

Got the stuff I ordered yesterday. MSM, Green Vibrance powder, enzymes, coffee for enema with tubing. Did a salt water enema followed by a coffee enema before bed along with an epsom salt bath. I started having alot of pain on Wed. esp in the area of my groin where I had the surgery. As of today (Friday) it has spread to the inside top part of my thigh. It feels very tender/bruised but I can feel no lumps or anything. I can't imagine what caused it, it's not like I do the hurdles or anything ;)! Pain in that area always makes me edgy. This morning I had 40oz with 1.5lbs romaine, 1/2 head celery, apple, orange, carrot, yam. Not the best tasting. Also had 1T msm powder with EPO, fish oil and enzymes. Today is dad's 88th birthday. I am slowcooking pork spareribs for him and Scott and Milner if he decides to stop by. They smell really good! Ribs are yummy! I just need to stay full on juices and maybe some miso broth. I did not feel like having people over for dad's bday. Last year he didn't even want people over. He stayed in his room most of the time. I had Scott tell Mark that they could take dad somewhere if they felt like it. It ended up that Mark invited everyone to his house on Sunday for a father's day/bday BBQ. See, other people can pick up the slack, I don't have to do it all!! Yeah! Did a fiber drink and lax tea before bed ( a post script: people still "showed up" here, oh well. I ended up having a few bites of this and that-bad idea! Totally disagreed with me-I spent most of the night with terrible heartburn and then going to the toilet every 15 mins because of the tea probably!)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 17 and it is finally summer here in Tahoe!

As usual I started late today, but I was up too late last night.
I am noticing my skin is breaking out so I am going to try to get into the sauna more-I have only used it once since I started. Also try to get my H2O up. I haven't been too worried about it since there is so much naturally "filtered" water in fruits and veggies.
This "morning" 20 oz hot water with lemon juice and a little maple syrup.
1/2 gallon (64oz) juice consisting of
1/2 pineapple, 1 pear, 1lb spinach, 1/2 head celery, 1 lime skinned.
I ended up "cheating" and had 2 awesome veggie wraps in a skin of rice paper with ample amounts of watercress, basil, cilantro, matchstick carrots and some creamy peanut sweet chile sauce. No issues with having solid food whatsoever. Unlike the past where this would have meant I had "failed" I'm just human and I made a concious choice. I chose a healthy option and will be back to juice tomorrow. Also, I am not always documenting everything I take in. As a general rule I am getting 1 head of celery and 2 lbs of greens per day with various fruits.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 16-thyroid med problem

Still here. Have been having a hard time. I figured out that at least while feasting I am taking too much thyroid. My irritability levels have been through the roof, my heart rate crazy, blood pressure off the charts, sweaty, etc. All the sudden it dawned on me that it was most likely my thyroid medicine. even before the feast, my blood levels were a bit on the high side, so given no solid foods it must have climbed even more. I am going to see the nurse practitioner today. It will be my first time meeting her. She took over for Linda who I felt very confident and comfortable with. Linda seemed to feel very good about Pat. Since I take a time release T3 it is a bit different because that is the active version of thyroid. Most people take T4 and then the body converts it to T3 as needed, but my body doesn't do that. They had me on Armour and kept increasing my doses and I just got sicker. I guess it was like poison as it just kept building up in my system. So the T3 is needed in my case, but it is more critical to monitor the level since it is in it's active state. I am also still taking pain meds including tramadol. The tramadol along with St. John's Wort have eliminated the depression I had for years, so I am very reluctant to stop taking it. I do feel that taking these is slowing down any cleansing, but better slow and steady than fast with a crash and then quitting! I haven't lost any weight that I can measure, but I do think I am smaller. My clothes are looser, pants falling down without the belt and the belts not small enough. I think I am still carrying bloat/inflammation in my body, esp my stomach and as I am less bloated/inflamed I get thinner even though my weigh on the scale is the same. Hopefully as I keep going and lose more of the inflammation I will have less pain and fatigue and can add more exercise into my days. Angela said she would have done more exercise particularly rebounding if she feasted again. There were a few other things one of which was MSM. I ordered some of that to add to my daily routine. It needs to be taken with a juice high in vit C or with vit C supp. She also said she would do more coffee enemas. I ordered the coffee and tubing from SA Wilson and it should be here any day.
So far today,
1lb globe grapes, 1/2 lb spinach, 1/2 bunch parsley, 1/2 pear, 1/2 green apple, 1/2 red apple, 1/2 bunch celery= 40 oz juice
Also I have been trying to remember to take fish oil, primrose oil along with the pancreatin for digestion. The last few days I struggled, even tasting foods (chewing them and then spitting most of it out) I really do miss the taste of food, but doing this is making it much harder and is not conducive to what I am trying to accomplish. Along with the food, the thyroid issues made me so stressed out that I broke down and had some Bud Light Lime. Also, not conducive to healing! All in all if I get the thyroid back under control and stay full on juices I can continue and hopefully get to where I can reduce or even stop the pain meds and maybe even the tramadol. All in time. I cook for my husband and father in-law so that is where I am having trouble with the cooked food. I need to be full up on juice before I go into the kitchen to cook for them so I won't feel so hungry and tempted.
I am taking some juice and some green powder with me to Reno so I will have what I need.
Appt went well with the new nurse practitioner, Pat. She is just like Linda! Really cool. Knowing I am a cash patient she checked the box for the least expensive office visit and did not want to reduce my prescription, knowing I would pay the same even if she reduced the dosage, also she did not feel it needed. She explained that T3 is not flushed out of the body like water soluble things like Vit C. All of the tissues in the body reach a saturation level. When you become over saturated you start having symptoms. Her suggestion was to not take any for at least 3 days and then re-introduce it every other day or every 3rd day. She also said there is nothing wrong with opening the caps and taking a portion if I still have symptoms taking a full dose. She thinks I became over saturated and this will fix it. I just need to get to a schedule that works and does not give me side effects of hyperthyroid and also does not drop me into hypo mode. So I need to start really monitoring my thyroid "symptoms" closely to figure out how many times a week to settle into taking the full 55mcgs. Once I settle then I need to go get a blood level done to confirm I am in the zone. She said my cholesterol was great. My "good" (hdl) is 20 or so points higher than normal so that is awesome. She was supportive of the juice feast which I didn't expect at all! She understood my reasons (detox with the goal of healing my leg and losing some weight) and felt it is a healthy way to achieve them. Wow, too cool! She knows Dr. Meircort too and really loves him. I had a hard time finding juice in Reno though. I ended up at Keva and all they do is carrot, but I had my green powder and ordered a wheat grass too so it worked out. I do not get why Whole Foods does not have a juice bar! The store is bigger than Costco and has every kind of food in the restaurant section, but no juice, weird.
I had a quart of grapefruit/orange with 3ooomg msm on the drive to Reno. I enjoyed it. The carrot juice from Keva was probably a quart as well along with 2 scoops of Vital Greens and a tsp of spirulina. + 2 oz of wheatgrass juice and at least 2 quarts of water.
I still have to put away all of the gorgeous greens and fruit from there. I have found I have to buy 7 days of stuff in Reno to get the best selection and quality of organic produce. It is alot to have on hand at 2 lbs of greens a day + the fruits, herbs and stuff. I really need to clean the fridge out and organize it tomorrow. For now the garage has been cold enough to keep everything very nice. Actually better than the fridge because of the lower humidity I think. Certain things have to be kept as close to freezing as possible to stay the freshest -kale, broccoli are 2.
Well, I am exhausted! Bye

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 11-decided to "photo document"

I slept like a rock after about 3 am. Before that I had to get up a few times to use the bathroom. I actually slept until 11am! Woke up sore, and not very interested in juice. I luckily had some pineapple/globe grape mix that I had premade from last night. I sipped it slowly and tried to remember to chew. I felt better after a few hours. Opened a coconut and sipped on the water as I feel thirsty and water isn't cutting it. Made a thick mix of finely ground psyllium husk with some juice to make it palatable. I was very surprised how decent is was! I can't usually tolerate psyllium, I used a bit of the juice below and mostly water. I also ground the husk in the coffee grinder to get it super fine.
Made a blender full of juice:
pear, green apple, fuji apple, 1/2 cuke, 1 head celery, 1 lb globe seeded grapes.
I am using 1 lb of spinach for this but will blend in 2 lots so the greens don't oxidize as much.
Also had 16 oz of chick pea miso put in blender with fresh scallions from garden, yummy!
Another 16oz of broth before bed. I made a quick veg broth with oat groats and then strained it and it was lovely. I have been taking "Avena Sativa" which is oats, so I realized I can use the oats that I have to make tea and broths. Duh! Oats are soothing to mind and body. They are good for depression, anxiety, irritability, hormones, sexual desire! They are also soothing to the digestive track. I also had 10 oz of herbal tea (dandelion, licorice, and other herbs with oats)
When trying to go to sleep the last few nights I am "haunted" by some of the really dumb things I have done in my life. I keep wishing I could go back and change them, or at least forget them and forgive myself. Then I realize those things got me to who and where I am today so maybe they were necessary. I think about people that I judge for their actions and I then think about how others, especially my family might perceive me through my actions and I feel frustrated and ashamed. Those things are a very limited part of who you are and only a small minded person would believe they know a person just by observing some isolated events. It is one of the things I really do not like about myself and I always feel that others do it to me. Weird. Well, now is the time for changes!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 10 and the sun is (mostly) shining!

You wouldn't know it is the second week in June by all the weather we have had, snow, hail, massive flooding rain, but today it is sunny, at least for the most part.
Monday, day 8, was icky. I made the mistake of trying pure grape juice. It made me throw up! I was weak and sick all day. I don't know if it was that I had it on an empty stomach first thing in the am-my stomach has always been "weak" in the morning, but I won't do that again! I had a couple of warmed miso soups with nutritional yeast (not raw, I know, I am not in an all raw contest last I checked!) I also did a nice carrot curry soup with a bit of coco oil that was really nice. Also had my fiber mix-Super Seed sprouted mix from Garden of Life (really good) with some slippery elm and a bit of grade B maple syrup. I used warm water and made it thick like oatmeal, so it isn't like choking down psyllium fiber. The Super Seed has some cinnamon and a bit of stevia too. All in all, a great fiber option, esp with an upset stomach! I have made it with apple juice instead of water too and that is really nice. It makes your fiber more like a meal and helps when I feel like having something solid.
I bottled 4 or so gallons of my KT. Some with fresh cherry juice, blueberry juice, and mandarin orange (made all the juices from fresh or frozen whole fruit and put through the strainer bag)
And started a new batch of KT with Wuji Oolong that has peaches-really yummy!
Tuesday, day 9, was a good day. I felt like I got a lot done and I had some interesting satisfying combos. I used up the remaining carrot/tom mix I had as a base. I stayed up too late (2 am) but felt okay when I got up this (Wed) morning (8 am) I could have stayed in bed, but I have a lot to do and once I was up I was glad I made myself. I have to note that most mornings I am still having one cup of coffee. I realized that the only way I am going to make anything work is to do it my way and not force myself to do things that are unreasonable for me at the moment. I have always made everything "all or nothing" which set me up for failure at every turn. By allowing myself to change at my pace works. There is no failure, no blame, no perfection, just me and what is "perfect" for me at the moment.
Today is day 10! I started with a cantaloupe, celery, cucumber, butter lettuce. I know "they" say you are suppose to have melons alone, but after my grape juice fiasco I believe this is a much better option and works for me, so there! Melon and cukes are from the same family, celery always tempers fruits that usually make me out of balance and butter lettuce is very mild. It ended up being 56 oz of juice using 11oz of lettuce toward my 32 oz total of greens for the day.
For lunch I had 48 oz of carrot/celery/bell pepper/yam/tomato/chayote/radish/cucumber/onion/avocado/habenero base (whew!) and added a pkg of alfalfa/clover sprouts (4oz) + 1/2 lb of spring mix and a tiny bit of coco oil to better assimilate the carotenes and other fat soluble vitamins.
I should note that I have been using (almost) 100% organic produce.
For dinner I need to use the remaining 1/2lb of spring mix with at least 24oz of something to get me up to my daily gallon...maybe my favorite base of pineapple and celery? We'll see... Right now I feel tired a little spacy, Tracy! Maybe too many things going on in the juice? It isn't bothering me digestively, but maybe spacing me out along with only 5-6 hours of sleep.
I ended up with a headache and overall very tired and sore. I think maybe too many combos? The spicy isn't working for me...heartburn. I decided to do an enema in the eve while Scott was out and about. I have chosen to do isotonic enemas for now as they seem to not cause cramping and are said to be the least disruptive. An isotonic solution is created with 9 grams of good non idodized salt disolved in 1000ml of H2O. So for my enema bag (2 liters) I use about 3 tsp of himylayan sea salt and make sure it is completely disolved and did it 2x once with. I also leave any undisolved bits in the bowl. I took an epsom salt bath after. Still didn't feel great, but I guess that is a sign of detoxing.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 7, Sunday

Last night I ended up not having juice.
Instead I had miso soup with some dulse and wakame.
16 oz hot master cleanser
30 oz flax/slippery elm tea with maple syrup
colon cleanse herbs
1/2 gallon juice
1lb spinach/1/2 pineapple/1/2 celery/1/3 pkg alfalfa-clover sprouts/ginger/chunk diakon
It is easier for me to do 1/2 gal of juice at a time/2 x a day rather than 1/3 gal/ 3x a day, but I am not sure if it might be better on my body to do the 3x a day. I'll see.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 6 of new Juice Feast!

Last time I posted about juice feasting I got very sick about 4 days into it-pneumonia. So I quit, again. I just wasn't ready (for a lot of things) at that time. So, here I am again, but I feel much more ready and capable this time. I think part of it is being sober for a while-having not had alcohol in my system. Well I am really doing this for myself anyway, right?
So I am already 6 days into my feast with no bumps so far. I even successfully navigated a dinner party at my sister inlaw's last night! I think it was do-able because it wasn't a sit down affair. I can't say that the quiche and ham didn't smell awesome, but I was ok.
I remembered I had this blog already so I am going to use it to document when I feel like it.
I think I have a better idea of what I am doing and I definitely feel calmer, more centered and grounded. I am focusing on getting 2 full pounds of greens in my juices daily along with the full head of celery. At the moment I am using alot of pineapple due to it's cleansing and anti-inflamatory actions. I noted a while back that as long as I have the celery with fruits like pineapple or melon, they don't throw me off balance. I am getting at least one fiber drink with betonite clay a day (called a P&B shake). I have done a few enemas. I tried castille soap and it was pretty iritating, so I don't think I will do that anymore. I did an isotonic salt water one and it seems like a good way to go. (aprox 1 1/4 tsps sea salt per 1000 ml warm water-1 quart-to fill the 2 quart bag I used 2 & 1/2 tsps salt)
Today I had: 16 oz "master cleanser" then 48 oz cantalope/celery/cucumber for breakfast
I used the skin brush for 5 mins, took a hot epsom salt/baking soda bath, which I have done almost everyday. Then I used my leg pump for an hour.
I waited too long for "lunch" and should try not to do that.
Late Lunch was (almost) 1/2 gallon of green juice consisting of 1/2 a pineapple, 2 heads butter lettuce (aprox 1 lb) 4 kiwis, 6 stalks of celery, 1 banana.
Added "Super Colon Cleanse" from Trader Joe's last night.
So far I have not had a "bad" combo. They all taste great!
I made a big batch of carrot juice with a few tomatoes and a red and yellow bells.
I cooked this a bit as the assimilation of the anti-oxidants is raised dramatically with the carotens and lycopenes and lutien when they are cooked. You lose some vitamin C but I am getting more than enough of that from everything else.
I am at about 170 lbs currently and we'll see where that goes.
I am looking forward to the next 3 months.
Dinner will be late also...I am planning on the carrot mix with "herb mix" lettuce, cilantro, sprouts, some tomato paste for concentrated nutients. I am going to have it at body temp, like a soup. If I don't feel like that then I might have some miso and tea.