Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 10 and the sun is (mostly) shining!

You wouldn't know it is the second week in June by all the weather we have had, snow, hail, massive flooding rain, but today it is sunny, at least for the most part.
Monday, day 8, was icky. I made the mistake of trying pure grape juice. It made me throw up! I was weak and sick all day. I don't know if it was that I had it on an empty stomach first thing in the am-my stomach has always been "weak" in the morning, but I won't do that again! I had a couple of warmed miso soups with nutritional yeast (not raw, I know, I am not in an all raw contest last I checked!) I also did a nice carrot curry soup with a bit of coco oil that was really nice. Also had my fiber mix-Super Seed sprouted mix from Garden of Life (really good) with some slippery elm and a bit of grade B maple syrup. I used warm water and made it thick like oatmeal, so it isn't like choking down psyllium fiber. The Super Seed has some cinnamon and a bit of stevia too. All in all, a great fiber option, esp with an upset stomach! I have made it with apple juice instead of water too and that is really nice. It makes your fiber more like a meal and helps when I feel like having something solid.
I bottled 4 or so gallons of my KT. Some with fresh cherry juice, blueberry juice, and mandarin orange (made all the juices from fresh or frozen whole fruit and put through the strainer bag)
And started a new batch of KT with Wuji Oolong that has peaches-really yummy!
Tuesday, day 9, was a good day. I felt like I got a lot done and I had some interesting satisfying combos. I used up the remaining carrot/tom mix I had as a base. I stayed up too late (2 am) but felt okay when I got up this (Wed) morning (8 am) I could have stayed in bed, but I have a lot to do and once I was up I was glad I made myself. I have to note that most mornings I am still having one cup of coffee. I realized that the only way I am going to make anything work is to do it my way and not force myself to do things that are unreasonable for me at the moment. I have always made everything "all or nothing" which set me up for failure at every turn. By allowing myself to change at my pace works. There is no failure, no blame, no perfection, just me and what is "perfect" for me at the moment.
Today is day 10! I started with a cantaloupe, celery, cucumber, butter lettuce. I know "they" say you are suppose to have melons alone, but after my grape juice fiasco I believe this is a much better option and works for me, so there! Melon and cukes are from the same family, celery always tempers fruits that usually make me out of balance and butter lettuce is very mild. It ended up being 56 oz of juice using 11oz of lettuce toward my 32 oz total of greens for the day.
For lunch I had 48 oz of carrot/celery/bell pepper/yam/tomato/chayote/radish/cucumber/onion/avocado/habenero base (whew!) and added a pkg of alfalfa/clover sprouts (4oz) + 1/2 lb of spring mix and a tiny bit of coco oil to better assimilate the carotenes and other fat soluble vitamins.
I should note that I have been using (almost) 100% organic produce.
For dinner I need to use the remaining 1/2lb of spring mix with at least 24oz of something to get me up to my daily gallon...maybe my favorite base of pineapple and celery? We'll see... Right now I feel tired a little spacy, Tracy! Maybe too many things going on in the juice? It isn't bothering me digestively, but maybe spacing me out along with only 5-6 hours of sleep.
I ended up with a headache and overall very tired and sore. I think maybe too many combos? The spicy isn't working for me...heartburn. I decided to do an enema in the eve while Scott was out and about. I have chosen to do isotonic enemas for now as they seem to not cause cramping and are said to be the least disruptive. An isotonic solution is created with 9 grams of good non idodized salt disolved in 1000ml of H2O. So for my enema bag (2 liters) I use about 3 tsp of himylayan sea salt and make sure it is completely disolved and did it 2x once with. I also leave any undisolved bits in the bowl. I took an epsom salt bath after. Still didn't feel great, but I guess that is a sign of detoxing.

1 comment:

Wendy Campbell said...

I don't think melons alone is an issue with juicing or blending, just eating them as a solid.