Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 19

Got the stuff I ordered yesterday. MSM, Green Vibrance powder, enzymes, coffee for enema with tubing. Did a salt water enema followed by a coffee enema before bed along with an epsom salt bath. I started having alot of pain on Wed. esp in the area of my groin where I had the surgery. As of today (Friday) it has spread to the inside top part of my thigh. It feels very tender/bruised but I can feel no lumps or anything. I can't imagine what caused it, it's not like I do the hurdles or anything ;)! Pain in that area always makes me edgy. This morning I had 40oz with 1.5lbs romaine, 1/2 head celery, apple, orange, carrot, yam. Not the best tasting. Also had 1T msm powder with EPO, fish oil and enzymes. Today is dad's 88th birthday. I am slowcooking pork spareribs for him and Scott and Milner if he decides to stop by. They smell really good! Ribs are yummy! I just need to stay full on juices and maybe some miso broth. I did not feel like having people over for dad's bday. Last year he didn't even want people over. He stayed in his room most of the time. I had Scott tell Mark that they could take dad somewhere if they felt like it. It ended up that Mark invited everyone to his house on Sunday for a father's day/bday BBQ. See, other people can pick up the slack, I don't have to do it all!! Yeah! Did a fiber drink and lax tea before bed ( a post script: people still "showed up" here, oh well. I ended up having a few bites of this and that-bad idea! Totally disagreed with me-I spent most of the night with terrible heartburn and then going to the toilet every 15 mins because of the tea probably!)

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